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Reason and Revelation. Exploring contemporary cinema with René Girard


Reason and Revelation. Exploring contemporary cinema with René Girard
dr Michał Łuczewski


René Girard belongs to the most influential thinkers of our time, which are least known in sociology departments. This has to change. In the time of specialization, we need an anti-disciplinary, over-arching theory. It is precisely such a theory that Girard has elaborated and applied to diverse fields: literature, anthropology and theology. Indeed, the scope of his theory is breathtaking, since it covers everything from the beginning of human species to the end of humankind. The aim of this seminar is to show fruitfulness of this approach by extending it to contemporary cinema.


✦ Terminy spotkań ✦ 
poniedziałek: 7 III, 21 III,
4 IV, 18 IV, 16 V, 30 V
godz.: 16.00-18.00


1. Nihilism and Conversion
a. Big Lebowski (1998), Joel and Ethan Coen
b. Nietzsche, Friedrich. Will to Power
c. Girard, Deceit, Desire and the Novel

2. Greek Tragedy
a. August: Ossage County (2012), John Wells
b. Girard, Violence and the Sacred
c. John Paul II, Familiaris Consortio

3. Master and Slave
a. Gran Torino (2008), Clint Eastwood
b. Hegel, Phenomenology of the Spirit
c. Girard, The Scapegoat

4. Violence, Memory, Reconciliation
a. The Father, the Son and the Friend (2015), Karol Wasilewski, Michał Łuczewski
b. James Alison, Some thoughts on the Atonement
c. John Paul II, Reconciliatio et Paenitentia

5. The Decline of the West
a. Inglouorious Basterds (2009), Quentin Tarantino
b. Taubes, The Political Theology of Paul
c. Girard, Battling to the End

6. Russian Apocalypse: Leviathan (2014), Andrey Zvyagintsev
a. Hobbes, Leviathan
b. Girard, I see Satan fall
c. Palaver, Hobbes and the Katéchon

7. It’s the End of the World
a. Blade Runner (1982), Ridley Scott
b. Blake, Milton
c. Girard, A Theatre of Envy 


Girard, R. I see Satan fall like lightning, Gracewing Publishing, 2001
Girard, R. Are the Gospels Mythical? “First Things” 4/1996
Girard, R. Battling to the End: Conversations with Benoît Chantre, Michigan State University Press 2009
Girard, R. Christianity will be victorious, but only in defeat: An interview with René Girard, “First Things” 7/2009
Girard, R. Deceit, Desire, and the Novel: Self and Other in Literary Structure, The Johns Hopkins 1966
Girard, R. The Scapegoat, The Johns Hopkins Press 1986
Girard, R. Violence & the Lamb Slain, Touchstone 12/2003
Girard, R. Violence and the Sacred, Bloomsbury Academic Press 2013 (1972)
Girard, R. War and Apocalypse, “First Things” 7/2009
Palaver, W. René Girard’s Mimetic Theory, Michigan State University Press 2013
Williams, J. G. (ed.), The Girard Reader, The Crossroad Publishing 1996


michal_luczewskiMichał Łuczewski  – doktor socjologii specjalizujący się w problematyce wsi. Adiunkt w Instytucie Socjologii Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego. Absolwent Międzywydziałowych Indywidualnych Studiów Humanistycznych UW. Wicedyrektor w Centrum Myśli Jana Pawła II. Visiting scholar w Columbia University.  Członek kolegium redakcyjnego czasopisma „44/Czterdzieści i Cztery”. Autor wielu publikacji, w tym najbardziej znanej  – książki Odwieczny naród. Polak i katolik w Żmiącej (2012), za którą otrzymał w 2013 roku Nagrodę im. ks. Józefa Tischnera oraz Nagrodę im. Stanisława Ossowskiego. Jego zainteresowania obejmują też zagadnienia z pogranicza socjologii, antropologii, filozofii, teologii i ekonomii. 


Opublikowano 02.01.2016


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