V Central European Summer School
Cracow-Żmiąca, Poland
22th-28th August 2015
„Reconciliation in the time of war”
We invite students as well as PhDs and young professionals to participate in the Summer School, which combines academic program, international exchange and civic activism.
We invite graduate students and young postdoctoral researchers to take part in the Summer School.
If you are interested, please send your CV and a short letter of intent to arutkowska@centrumjp2.pl.
Please note: the deadline for applying is 22th June 2015.
Successful candidates will be informed by 24th June 2015
The Summer School is open to participants from Central-Eastern Europe and aims at understanding the meaning of reconciliation as well as at building peace among nations from this part of the world. Faced with new outbursts of violence motivated by nationalist or religious ideology, we want to search for sources of reconciliation in our own traditions.
- Seminar 1. Paulina Bednarz-Łuczewska (Warsaw): Reconciliation in Personal Life
- Seminar 2. Martin Luteran (Bratislava): Ethics and Reconciliation
- Seminar 3. Michał Łuczewski (Warsaw): Solidarity and Reconciliation
- Seminar 4. Oleh Kindii (Lviv): Unity. Religion and Reconciliation
International Folk Music Workshop. Witold Broda (Węgajty). Discovering and Living Central European Cultural Heritage.
Reconciliation should not be merely scrutinized intellectually. It should be fully experienced. The best place for such an experience is Żmiąca. This tranquil village tucked away in the Carpathians, which is located 70 kilometers away from Cracow, has witnessed brutal conflicts between in the wake of the II WW and has come to terms with its past. At the same time this mountain village, one of the most traditional villages in Poland, is very welcoming to visitors. It is a place where people have always been hospitable, landscape – always fabulous and trouts – delicious. Żmiąca stands out as an exceptional place not only nationwide, but worldwide as well: it was an object of two distinguished monographs, which granted to it a status of the location that has sparked researchers’ interest for the longest period in the history of the social sciences (Bujak 1903, Wierzbicki 1963). As we do not want to make the experience of Żmiąca superficial, the participants of the summer seminar will not be external observers of the village life, but for a short moment – through supporting the inhabitants – they will become part of it.
Seminar 1. Martin Luteran: Ethics and Reconciliation
There is a two-thousand-years old tradition of thinking about how to live a good life based on the idea of natural law. Plato, Aristotle, Augustine, Aquinas as well as many contemporary thinkers have developed this tradition by reflecting upon the most fundamental issues of practical philosophy. What is the end of human life? How do we correctly describe a human action? How does one become virtuous? What is friendship? When is it moral to kill a human being? Some of these issues will be explored and debated in interactive seminars.
John Paul II, Veritatis splendor; Plato, Gorgias; Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics; John Finnis, Natural Law, Natural Rights; George; Girgis; Anderson. What is Marriage? Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy
Seminar 2. Michał Łuczewski: Solidarity and Reconciliation
Democratic transitions in Central Eastern Europe were “final revolutions”, “revolutions of Spirit”. Most recent of them, the one that started on Euromaidan, “had a Christian face; not a face of an anonymous Christian, but a face of Christ” (Fr Vasyl Rudenko). But can revolution – this utterly modern invention – be Christian? And more generally: Can democracy and politics be Christian? Is not the message of Christ thoroughly anti-political? Christianity revealed that what makes man truly human is not participation in city of man but in city of God, that is Church. All what was heretofore holy was profaned. Christianity desacralized the earthly order, and demonstrated in its very centre the presence of demonic “powers and principalities”. The foundations of city of man were laid bare.
John Paul II, Reconciliatio et Paenitentia, Evangelium vitae, Dominum et Vivificantem, Sollicitudo rei Socialis, Centesimmus Annus, Ut unum sint; Benedict XVI, Spe salvi; Augustine, City of God; Carl Schmitt, Political theology; Józef Tischner, The Spirit of Solidarity
Seminar 3. Paulina Bednarz-Łuczewska: Reconciliation in Personal Life
Man has to subdue the earth and dominate it, because as the „image of God” he is a person, that is to say, a subjective being capable of acting in a planned and rational way, capable of deciding about himself, and with a tendency to self-realization. As a person, man is therefore the subject of work. As a person he works, he performs various actions belonging to the work process; independently of their objective content, these actions must all serve to realize his humanity, to fulfill the calling to be a person that is his by reason of his very humanity.” (Laborem exercens, 6). During the workshop we will face fundamental philosophical questions concerning human work (part 1) as well as trace morally acceptable ways of organizing human work in todays’ management practices (part 2) and design truly human solutions to some business challenges (part 3). John Paul II, Laborem Exercens; JC Spender, On Humanizing the Firm; various business cases
Seminar 4. Oleh Kindii: Religion and Reconciliation
Christianity is an endless exploration of the mystery of the unity of God and Man. According to the Scriptures and the Fathers of the Church, that mystery can be probed by human reason, contemplation, and aesthetics. Intellectual inquisitiveness, artistic experimentation and openness to something that goes beyond human perception transforms society, culture, economy, and politics in a very concrete way. In the heart of such transformation stands high moral standards and love for education. The distance between the human and divine will be resolved only in Parousia.
Jaroslav Pelikan, The Emergence of the Catholic Tradition 100-600; Martyrdom of Polycarp; Ignatius of Antioch, Letter to Ephesians; Origen, De Principiis; Athanasius of Alexandria, The Life of Antony, De Incarnatione; Gregory of Nazianzus, Oratio 38; Dionysius the Areopagite,