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Ars Vivendi Central European Summer School

Jerusalem, Rome and Athens: What can we learn by uncovering the roots of our common European spirit, our shared law, and our common rationality? How does one become a person in whom others can put their trust? Where should we look for models of virtuous humanity and value-based leadership?

These are just some of the questions that will be discussed among participants of this year’s ARS VIVENDI CENTRAL EUROPEAN SUMMER SCHOOL. The summer school is organized jointly by the Centre for the Thought of John Paul II and the Konrad Adenauer Foundation. It will take place from 31st July to 6th August 2017.

This international summer school will gather ambitious young people, interested in personal growth and changing the world for the better. The programme, ’Integral Leadership – from Personal Growth to European Renewal’, will deepen their sense of their own history and identity and their understanding of the common roots of East and Central Europe. The school will strengthen their leadership skills. The model and guide on how to live a fully-engaged life will be John Paul II.

Participants will take part in workshops for leaders and cultural excursions following in the footsteps of the Polish Pope – to Kalwaria Zebrzydowska, Lanckorona, Wadowice, Tyniec and Kraków. The end goal of the programme is to form a community of future leaders for Europe and beyond.

For who: students, young researchers and young professionals (18-35 years old)  from Eastern and Central Europe or interested in this Region.
Fee: 400 PLN
Place and date: Lanckorona – Kalwaria Zebrzydowska – Wadowice – Tyniec – Kraków, 31 July– 6 August 2017

For more information, please see our brochure or email us: registration@centrumjp2.pl.

Opublikowano 22.05.2017


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